Sunday, March 29, 2009

results of judgment day, bsn28 and my bro's HS graduation.. weeee!!! :)

okies, so this will be a 3-in-1 blog... haha!! coz i'll be delivering 3 different news :P


to all the people, friends, online buddies who prayed for me, a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to you all!!! (and a bonus hug too *hugs*) coz...


considering that i was in cold feet days before the exam.. haha!! coz the tests were really hard (nosebleed anatomy-hellcare plus minor *terror* math subjects @_@), waaaa!!!! i passed!!!! i'm really too happy... this means that i'll be having summer classes and i'll be a junior this june!!! capping!!! duty in the hospital!!! waaaa!!!

so for that, i really hope i would really be more serious with regards to my studies.... coz this comes the REAL THING... what NURSING REALLY LOOKS LIKE... :)


my beloved BSN28

with the news that i (or rather all of us in BSN28) passed the exam, this boils down to the sad reality that we would all be reshuffled T_T.. which i dread because i LOOOVVVEEEE BSN28!!! i would truly miss all of you guys, because even though we only shared one semester, it was enough to make it a very meaningful and a very memorable one. i remember way back before the 2nd sem started, i was really worried because i'll be meeting a whole new group of people.. i thought i won't be able to make new friends other than my former 2-2 classmates.. but all of you proved it wrong. in the past semester, we shared SOOOOOO many memories...from cramming to make our requirements for our so-called pa-major subjects, sleepless [cobra] nights studying for healthcare and micro.. tons of requirements and of course, who would forget the 4 teams in healthcare??? (team LAIGO, team CORTEZ, team RONA and team AGUILA)... community Dx!!! hahaha!!! those were the times where we felt like hell but it also made us closer... coz through thick and thin, we stood together, and that's what i'm proud of. i made new friends and grew closer to majority of the class, that's why it's so hard to let you all go guys. :'(( so as summer classes starts (bummer! it's officially tomorrow waaaa @_@), i hope that we would still greet each other just like the good 'ol days. at tsaka we're the home of the geniuses 2-8, so kita kits parin pagdating ng 4th year!! walang matatanggal!! ;D

I WILL MISS YOU ALL 2-8!!! AHLABSHOO OL!!!! *mwahugs*

third and last:

my 'lil bro's graduation

today, my younger brother gren has officially graduated in highschool!!! hooray!!! so this means he's in the same league as me now... we're both officially in college!!! though my brother didn't bag any awards (even though i know he has the capacity, it's just because he inherited my incredible laziness in studying haha :P), i'm still proud of him.... awwww he's all grown up now!!! i still remember the time when he graduated in elementary (and he was just a small boy back then), but look at him now... HE'S ALL GROWN UP!!! (and i take it literally.... he's like, 5-6 inches taller than me T_T)... and soon he'll be in college...

anyways, here are his pics during the graduation earlier in the afternoon:

gosh, PS really does wonders lol.. my bro looks SOOOO shuai here!!! hahaha :P

it's rare nowadays for my brother to smile, so let's relish this moment :P

now it's even a rarer moment for him to take a picture with me together.. but sorry bro, you're so tall that you didn't fit in the pic lol :P

haizzzz now that's the end of it... hope i could blog regularly this summer though... coz we still have summer classes waaaa!!!! @_@

-now signing off to go to forums :P-

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

judgment day... :((

wow... i'm blogging again.. hahaha :P

wow... for the last 2 days i don't know what to feel... a lot has happened... hell WEEKS... the final exams, and most of all... the battery/qualifying exams... WAAAA!!! that's A LOT of mental and emotional pressure.... especially with regards to the qualifying exams, which will tell my destiny (for DLS-HSI at least) if i'm still gonna continue my nursing course... :((

i really don't know what to feel... compared to what i felt when i was waiting for my grades in anatomy back in the first semester of my sophomore year (with all the tears and the prayers), this one's different... THIS IS BIGGER... but i'm not crying compared to what i did with my ana.... and i don't know why... i'm much more calm i think.... i'm really not sure....

although i had my father's approval or shall i say, 'go signal' that if i won't pass the qualifying exams, he's ok with it... (maybe for the reason that he realize he wants me to pursue medical technology, haha)... i can't help but feel guilty.. of course, who wouldn't feel the same way?? i have another sibling (a younger one), but i can't help but feel that they pay more attention to me than my brother... surprisingly (in college), i get the things i need (or want) without me practically begging for it... nagiging sunod sa layaw ako... i don't know if it's just me noticing that... and for that, i feel guilty all the more... i feel that if i fail the exams, i will make them disappointed (even though they said it's ok).... when i called my dad before the exams, as usual, he said words like "you can do this, just pray to God" and the like... boosting and cheering me up... but when i read his text (text was 8:16 am, the exam was ongoing, so i read at about 10:30 when i finished) that says "God bless you anak, watever hapens don't frget i luv u", my eyes went automatic!!! i cried because i felt guilty... because i felt i wasn't giving my best... i admit that and i'm sorry for that... i hope that if i pass and get into the last 2 years of my nursing course, i would be more persevering with my studies.. i don't want to let them down... :-I

so wish me luck guys!! the results will be released tomorrow, as well as my class cards (talk about giving 2 hell results in one day! @_@)... and please pray for me..


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