Monday, April 27, 2009

i am in a state of serious shock.. but..

tonight (as in roughly around an hour ago), i was just randomly searching for videos in youtube when i stumbled upon jihun (yes ju ji hun oppa)'s recent vids. and one of the videos made me in complete shock. i won't post the vid here, rather, i would post an article posted at AF:

by ★Shira at, original article from

Actor Ju Ji Hun (commonly spelled Joo Ji Hoon) has been booked without physical detention on charges of taking drugs, and admitted to the crime. He is one of a few acting or modelling celebrities who were caught importing drugs from Japan or taking the illegal drugs.

On April 26,the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency filed arrest warrants for movie actress Yoon Seol Hee, 28, and actor-model Ye Hak Young, 26 on the basis of smuggling narcotics into Korea. (Yoon’s and Ye’s full names were not originally released; however, recent articles have identified them.) The police also booked Ju Ji Hun along with two non-celebrity civilians for taking the illegally imported drugs. The police are reportedly charging Ju for two instances in March of 2008 when he took drugs while with the others. All five individuals will be sent to the public prosecutor’s office in the beginning of May.

According to the police, Yoon purchased drugs from an acquaintance in Japan and hid them in her underwear to take them illegally through customs. For a year from August 2007, Yoon received one million won from selling the drugs to buyers such as Ye. Yoon is suspected of importing 280 tablets of ecstasy and 280 grams of ketamine through 14 trips back and forth from Japan. Ju acquired an amount from Yoon, and proceeded to take some two or three times at Ye’s home in March of 2008.

A representative of the police agency stated that this is the first time a celebrity has been caught directly importing, selling, and taking narcotics. They suspect that there are others who were involved (financially or through intake), and will continue to investigate the situation.

Yoon has appeared in minor roles in various films such as Tazza and A Good Day for an Affair. Ye most recently participated in the music video for Seo Taiji’s “Juliet”. It is yet to be known how this will impact Ju’s pending Japanese fan meetings and Tokyo Tower drama project.

my reaction:

when i first saw the video, i thought it was some kind of prank.. and then i further searched more vids and saw a news report about it... but i was still not convinced, and i went to ju ji hun's thread @soompi (which, btw, it has been ages since i last visited that thread) and news over @AF.. and from there i saw articles about this shocking news about ji hun oppa.

for the past months (maybe almost a year or so), i have not updated myself with oppa's whereabouts.. all i know is that he filmed antique, shot another movie (kitchen) with shin min ah (also his former leading lady in mawang), and basically that's it. as all of you may know, i was caught up with the ISWAK-slash-TKA-slash-LoB-slash-ArJoe madness that's why i haven't been updating myself with him lately. and now, this is a way to drive me back to the hunnies' thread.. a shocking news.

up to now, i'm still in the state of shock (i almost can't even type or think properly).. i was also in the verge of tears. up to now i still couldn't believe it. ju ji hun, basically the only korean actor that i have truly admired in so many ways not just as an actor but as a person, is undergoing a huge ordeal right now. a lot of people have posted WAYYYY negative comments about him (the ANTIs) and some have even got worse saying he'll commit suicide. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! what are these people thinking about?!?!?! after seeing them post and react like this, i seriously believe they are a bunch of people who just can't stomach the fact that ju ji hun is great, not just as an actor, but also as a person. and they think news such as this could bring the man down. true, yes, i admit that jihun admitting about the drugs can bring a HUGE HUGE damage in his career, now that he's really steering away from his prince image in Goong.. but people should think. i don't know if i'll sound bias--seriously, i think illegal drugs is, well, illegal and should not be done in any way possible but i hope people should open their minds... maybe jihun has a reason. i don't know what his reasons are, be it stress/pressure, or anything, but let us think that... it is not only jihun oppa who committed this kind of deed. seriously, him coming out and admitting about this is already overwhelming (or admirable.. whatever word to use.. i'm just saying it entails a lot of courage to admit to this)... and it was better that he admitted to this as early as now, which means he still has a lot of time to change (for lack of a better word) or contemplate on what he has done.

people make mistakes. celebrities, make mistakes. and JI HUN IS NOT AN EXCEPTION. but, let us ponder.. ALL PEOPLE DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. all of us commit mistakes but let us remember that God can forgive us for whatever mistake that he may commit.

my message to oppa... PRAY. and HUNNIES ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU. i may not be as active as before, but you, JU JI HUN, THE HWANGTAEJA, THE DEVIL, THE SAJANGNIM AND THE COOK to many people, you would forever be in my heart. AND ALWAYS WILL.


Monday, April 13, 2009

rantings..rantings..and more rantings... :|

okies.. another blog from me hehehe... anyways haven't done much during the entire holy week, i was just at home.. so no vacations whatsoever.. hahaha :P

anyways.. just wanna rant about something (as if my blog wasn't full of rantings..XD) but this time it's crazier..from fear to emo to mega ranting mode.. hahaha!! :P

first.. i wanna rant about..TOMORROW!!!

so yes i know my 5-day vacation ends today (i still didn't have classes today--monday coz there's a graduation in our school) so classes will resume tomorrow, which is tuesday. and what can be more fantastic opening up the week but a fantabolous,mind-boggling,nerve-wracking RETURN DEMONSTRATION!!! @_@

for those who doesn't know the word:

return demonstration or [ret dem]--it is a sort of a practical exam for nursing students undergoing major subjects like health care and fundamentals of nursing in which students have to demonstrate a particular nursing responsibility (e.g.vital signs, ERT, CPR)

and for those of you who know me.. i'm quite nervous with this kinds of things... and most especially now, because our RetDem is about ID,IM and SubQ types of injections!!!(ok, rule out SubQ @_@) and that's a BIGGER PROBLEM, because I AM AFRAID OF INJECTIONS!!! it's like putting a frog infront of me [trivia: i am DEATHLY AFRAID OF FROGS].. but the thing is, i don't mind administering the injection to another person.. the problem is when i see the needle puncturing my skin, i get all ballistic (or maybe not.. whenever i go to the lab to get a blood test i NEVER watch the nurse inserting the needle in my vein.. i only watch when i see the blood entering the vial, which i certainly don't mind).. and the thing is, we are supposed to those parenteral methods with each other (meaning by a partner.. so we'll take turns poking each other lol) so i am afraid. afraid of the retdem by itself, and afraid of the injection. waaaaaa!!! i hope everything would run smoothly by tomorrow, and i get a high grade :) *prays and crosses fingers*

second... well... :

to tell you the truth, something's been bothering me for the past few weeks.. or maybe, months (and no.. if you're thinking i'm bothered with the progression the offscreen r/ship of my fave couple ariel lin and joe're wrong because i don't have a problem with them really.. i know they just might admit their relationship sooner or later wahahahahaha *evil laugh*) .. i don't really know.. coz the symptoms appeared quite a few months ago.. on the previous months i think i changed. i changed in a way that sometimes, my classmates would just tap me and ask if i'm ok coz they feel like i'm looking in the middle of nowhere.. i tell them it's normal but nowadays... i really don't know. :

another thing.. i am AMAZINGLY QUIET.. which is kinda abnormal because i used to be talkative and lively in the class.. i don't know if it's because of the class (we were reshuffled so i don't know my classmates except for my former 2-2 and 2-8 classmates) so i really don't talk that much.. or i feel.. alone?? i'm really not sure.. i just feel something's really, really bothering me, and i don't know what it is. :

third... mega ranting mode!!

so this would be a lot lighter.. hahaha!! just wanna rant abt how i want to buy an iPod SOOOOOO bad!!! huhuhu... :(( i've been eyeing for the iPod classic 120gb (i don't want an iTouch coz i know it would only end in disaster @_@) and when we (the family) scouted the price, it was 14,000Php!!! waaaaaa!!!!! HOW IN THE WORLD?!?!?! huhuhu... my savings is just halfway the total price.. and my parents restrict me to withdraw... huhuhu :(( waaaaaa... another thing (and problem!), i also wanna buy a digicam!!! but i know it's also expensive... waaaaa.... huhuhu....



ZEN ME BAN?!?!?!?!

('what shall i do' in 3 languages.. haha :P)

anyways that's all for now... i still have a lot to do!! post at arjoe and joe thread @AF (hopefully), practice for the ret-dem and review for the midterms (which is on wednesday!!!)!!! jia you to me!!!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

my first (shocking!) week of summer classes and missin' 2-8.. :(( (and another shocker T_T)

OK now, so summer classes started last march 30... and what do i expect??


well basically level 2's sked is divided into 2: for bsn21-24, funda (fundamentals of nursing and drug administration) comes first, followed by nutrition and dietetics (is the spelling even correct? lol) on the latter part of summer classes.. and my current block is bsn23, so i belong to that group. but..

goodness gracious!! i never thought funda would be this.. HARD!! basically everyday (and i mean EVERYDAY) we have 2-3 tests... others might think this is normal for us nursing students here in DLS-HSI (coz during the previous 2 sems, we normally have 4 tests during the whole day lol) but.. jeez!!! HEALTH CARE ONLY COMES ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK.. AND OUR FUNDA IS LIKE... EVERYDAY!!! could you imagine how TOXIC it is?!?!? for the whole we could collect a dozen quizzes.. @_@

so that boils down to.. what?? my body clock is drastically changed (again!).. when i go back in the dorm at around 5:30 PM, i just change clothes and SLEEP!! and then i wake up at around 11:30pm, 12 or 1am... i really became a night owl (again) coz that's the time i browse my notes, read, and tinker with my lappie for some internet surfing... so when i go to school, i literally look bangag.. hahaha :P

another thing.. my current block.. is like SOOOO serious man... i mean, i never thought i could be this quiet in my seat!! even though i have my previous 2-2 classmates (rachel,eman,jvee,carla) and my 2-8 classmates (gaile,diane,jethro,geros).. i am STILL quiet in class.. which i never expected.. but who wouldn't be quiet?? the whole class is basically quiet... lol... a week has passed and i don't even know my classmates names!! (which is weird because on the previous years i oredi know my classmate's names in a matter of a week)... it's SOOOO weird... but i don't blame them... i'm just sad about the school's regulation.. why do they have to reshuffle us even though NO ONE failed on the qualifying exams??? gosh...

which boils down to...

I SO FREAKIN' MISS THE 2-8 PEEPS.. as in!!! i miss the noisy, funny, kengkoy, kwela atmosphere that i experienced with 2-8.. with 2-8, we became close in a matter of a week... haiizzz... i SOOOOO really miss them :((

so anyways there goes my first week of classes... and before i say goodbye.. i just wanna drop a bomb to all ArJoe angels/TKA addicts..


OMFG HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?!?!?! *bawls* it's SOOOO fast!!! and we have our summer classes so i can't watch!!! huhuhu... i wish i never saw that ad... my dad was just channel surfing and he stopped at studio 23...and the advertisement appeared... waaaaahhh!!! imagine my reaction in front of my dad.. i couldn't help but shout OH MY GAAHHHHH!!! but anyways i think i could still watch a couple of eps.. coz i oredi calculated and i might be able to watch the 2nd half of the series (which is, by the way, my FAVORITE PART.. COZ ZS IS ALL-ROMANTIC..weee!!!).. summer classes ends up by around the first week of may anyway... so yeah, i can still watch!!! *squeals in happiness*

so there you have it.. another ranting from me.. hope you won't get tired of my rantings... hahaha!! :P

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